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Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9.6-7

We are fully dependent on God to provide through his people the money needed to support the work. We praise God for every person throughout the years who has generously supported the work.

By giving to God through Sharing Christ Internationally you can partner with us in sharing the Gospel with those who are completely without God.

Support what God is doing through SCI by giving:

All unspecified donations go into the general fund.

Click on the following:

BRITAIN and EU:  including Gift Aid



Please prayerfully consider setting up a Direct Debit or a Standing Order.

Alternatively, you can make a one off donation to the work directly into our bank account:

Bank: HSBC

Sort Code: 40-25-10

Account number: 34187741


Or send a cheque to this address:

Sharing Christ Internationally

Box 351


W10 5GB

In the case of a direct bank and cheque payment, please consider completing a Gift Aid form if you pay tax in the UK and would like us to reclaim it to increase your gift by 20%.

To make a legacy, please get in touch for more details.

NOTE: Donations to SCI are purely for ministry costs. If you would like to give towards the support of those who do the work, please get in touch.

© 2022 by

Sharing Christ


Charity Number


Mailing Address:

Sharing Christ internationally
Box 351
W10 5GB

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